Zombie dub, because I have researched other so-called holy books and the reasons they cannot be from God are readily apparent. Everytime I am introduced to an apparent contradiction from the Holy Bible it's ALWAYS ended up strengthening my faith instead of destroying it. Sometimes those little "contradictions" are not contradictions at all and end up being fine testaments to God. Until I can disprove the Word of God, I will not throw it out because faulty human philosophies, IMO.
Have you honestly researched other holy books in as much detail as you have the bible? I imagine you find a contradiction in the bible and go through all kinds of illogical mental gymnastics to make it fit, but if you found an apparent contradiction in something like the quaran you would immediately say "ah ha, that proves it's wrong". Just be honest with yourself. If you honestly have spent the same amount of time trying to reconcile the problems with other holy books as you have the bible, then fair play - can you honestly say this?
To me it seems you are bias and have an agenda that the bible is right and everything else is wrong. I would also guess had you been born in india or saudi arabia your bias would have been for a different holy book.
Also you didn't answer my query as to whether you were catholic, and if not why do you put faith in a catholic holy book?